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Cabbage Soup Diet - Day 3 Report

Weight: 112.7 kg

Weight Variance: 0.9 kg 24 hrs | 2.3 kg net loss

Fasting Blood Sugar: 5.5 mmol/L

Feeling: It gets better

Today’s Cabbage extender: Veggies and glorious, wonderful fruit

What do I miss the most?: I could murder a cheese pizza. Hell, I could murder a strip of wet cardboard with some cheese on it!

Day 3 Dashboard 112.7kg 5.5 mmol/L

​The re-introduction of fruit to my menu was like the first warm day in Spring; today I felt like throwing off my clothes and frolicking in the sunny expanses of the great outdoors. Then I looked in the hall mirror and decided against it. Melbourne’s way too cold in August…

Apart from moving from gastronomical solitary confinement of “veggies only” to the open gen pop cafeteria of veggies and fruit, the real encouragement for the day was the news from the scales that I was continuing to lose weight at a decent rate. Almost another 2 pounds shed; woot!

Getting my skates on

​​Fuelled by a brunch of 2 pears and black coffee (I really was not in a veggie mood), I managed to muster enough low-GI energy to go rollerskating with a friend. Although I was prone to more frequent-than-usual rest stops to recharge from my rusty energy reserves, I managed to close the exercise and activity rings of my Apple Watch without expiring on Caribbean Rollerama’s concrete floor.

Today was technically not snack-free, but only due to me engaging emergency carb protocol to enable Evan and I to get home safely. I was feeling a bit light-headed and “hypo” after the hour or so on 8 wheels, and popped 2 small Japanese gum candies to give myself the carbohydrate boost I needed to sharpen up and pilot the car home.

For dinner, I ate a hearty bowl of the still-enjoyable cabbage soup, and demolished about 4 small mandarines, a pear, a kiwi fruit, and an orange. This meal was absolutely delicious, and I enjoyed every morsel.

Day 3 Verdict: This diet is “doable”. I’m finding the lack of dairy and grains difficult, but when fruit is on the menu I can cope with that. I’m chuffed with the results so far!

Cabbage Soup Diet Plan

Guten Appetit!

Do you have any twists or favourite adjustments to this diet? Let us know in the comments below!

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