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Cabbage Soup Diet - Day 1 Report

Weight: 115 kg

Weight Variance: 0 kg

Fasting Blood Sugar: 5.5 mmol/L

Feeling: Determined

Today’s Cabbage-fueled Smorgasbord: All the Fruit

What do I miss the most?: Carbs. I’m dreaming of croissants. And Vegemite Toast. Buttery Vegemite Toast.

Day 1 Dashboard 115kg 5.5 mmol/L

Today I started my day with one of my least favourite activities – hopping on board the scales. It was a good day to start the diet – my heaviest day on record – 115kg. Oddly enough, I’d weighed less at the doctor’s office the day before, but I’m guessing our calibrations were different. Since all my measurements will be on my home scales (which I normally use), it’s “much of a muchness” anyway.

Being fruit day, brunch was – you guessed it – fruit. I enjoyed a really nice, juicy ruby red grapefruit, a kiwi and a pear.

I managed to avoid snacking throughout the day; for dinner, I demolished 3 bowls of my gorgeous cabbage soup, and rounded it off with another grapefruit, and a kiwi.

At around 10pm (snacking danger zone for me), I started craving carbs. This is a time that I would often make myself some buttery Vegemite toast, or reach for some Kabana sausage, or a muesli-crunch yoghurt. Instead, I vanquished the hunger-monster with another bowl of my savoury cabbage cocktail, and a couple of generous handfuls of dried apricots.

Day 1 Verdict: So far, so good!

Cabbage Soup Diet Plan

Guten Appetit!

Do you have any twists or favourite adjustments to this diet? Let us know in the comments below!

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