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Cabbage Soup Diet - Day 2 Report

Weight: 113.6 kg

Weight Variance: 1.40 kg net loss

Fasting Blood Sugar: 5.5 mmol/L

Feeling: Cranky

Today’s Cabbage-tinged offering: Veggie mountains

What do I miss the most?: Ramen. I want my midnight Ramen fix. That is all.

Day 1 Dashboard 115kg 5.5 mmol/L

Today the diet kicked in at full force. I awoke to the pleasing discovery that I had lost 1.4 kg (nearly 3 pounds)! It may just be water weight, but that was encouraging news. Encouraging, but not so motivational that it muted my obsessive longing for a pasta hoedown carb-fest, a desire which permeated my mind like blue ink into the fabric of your best white cotton shirt.

Not long into the day, I discovered that hungry as I might be, I was not too keen on eating veggies for breakfast. I love veggies, and often incorporate them into lazy weekend brunches, but today they did not hold a candle to the thought of a single spoon of cereal. I halfheartedly ate a bowl of cabbage soup, and washed the remnants of the anachronistic meal down with a small bucket of black coffee. It was clear that today wasn't going to be "#hashtag #lit".

I again managed to avoid snacking throughout the day, mostly because I felt like a Jurassic carnivore staked down in an endless field of turnips . For dinner, I ate a subdued bowl of the still-yummy cabbage soup (I was ravenous by now), and rounded it off with a bowl of stir-fried Brussels Sprouts.

At around 10:30pm I snapped out of a fugue state to find myself re-arranging the pantry's pasta shelf. If I had any doubts that I was a carboholic and a masochist, they have now been purged. Before I could commit a cardinal sin, I discovered a multi-pack of dried seaweed snacks, and proceeded to munch them down, Homer Simpson style, whilst watching Instant Pot lasagne foodporn on YouTube.

Day 2 Verdict: I have far more pasta than I realised. I also like fruit a whole lot more than I realised, and know for dead certain that next veggie day I am going to have a varied supply of tasty salad ingredient on hand.

Cabbage Soup Diet Plan

Guten Appetit!

Do you have any twists or favourite adjustments to this diet? Let us know in the comments below!

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